
could be out of place, but its over

well its been a while but i am officially done with the Interior Architecture department here at UNCG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its taken me a month to finish my final thesis, but its done and everyone liked it. so now i can return to the "normal world", or at least the land of the living maybe - hehehe. but here are some more photos.

these two images are of the same building covered in ivy. the first one of the whole side of the building was really interesting because of the white areas on which the ivy just is growing around. i wonder what it is about those areas that the ivy doesnt like? the second one is of the newpaper bins at the corner of the buidling. they just looked a little lost sitting there to me. like they need a little love and care seeing as they are not level and what not. it does seem a little appropriate though with the iv on the cracked building. i just like them a lot.