
in front of the camera

these three photos are of my studio friend Suzanne. she introduced me to blogging so i thank her for that, and she was a lovely person to photograph as well, which is why i am posting the photos of her.
this first one is not my favorite ever, but i do like the light from the candle, even if this is entirely out of focus.

this second one is, as you can tell, almost the same shot as the above photo, but i moved the focus of the candle on the left to Suzanne on the left....i feel this is much more successful in that she is the focus and you can still tell there is a candle burning. plus i like how it is almost like she is working with the flame and not what is behind it, almost.

and last, but certainly a wonderful one. i like the highlight on her hair. it gives some great depth there, and i also like that the background is much lighting then she is, almost like i used a flash for everything but her. i like that i caught her in deep thought too, even though she new i was there taking the photos:)

so thanks goes out to a great person - in front of the camera;)


any brain left for tomorrow?

well, its a long night in the studio. i have honestly been here for 12 and a half hours now, with a half hour running out to get sweatpants for comfort. so as you can imagine, i have had enough of the studio for one day. if it werent for the fun people that are also here with me, i might have gone insane a few hours ago. so to recap the night, i have come up with just about nothing. i cant word my concept and i had to do some serious redesigning of my office system. thesis stuff is soooo hard and i dont know how my brain is going to make it out of here alive.
for some news on the granola thief, i dont believe i have heard of anything else that has been taken, but i might be wrong. my friend jennie believes its someone homeless wandering late at night. this makes sense with the state things are in that have been taken, ie half eaten food or half empty soda bottles. it makes sense but i am not sure if i can believe that quite yet.
i have a photography crit tomorrow, which i am a little nervous about, but then again, they are my pictures and i dont have to justify them like i do my design. the only that could really be spoken of is the print quality since i am new at this, and of course need some help. well i guess thats it for the night, other then the fact that i found out i am too "shy" to be liked by any guy that i would want to be in a relationship with....isnt that great. so thats all for me for the night, and i think thats all the studio time i can handle in one day too. so again, another photo for you to enjoy.